UNIMAID Former NASS President Hon. Mustapha Mohammed Malami Congratulates Newly Elected SUG President

Former NASS President Hon. Mustapha Mohammed Malami Congratulates Newly Elected UNIMAID SUG President

UNIMAID Former NASS President Hon. Mustapha Mohammed Malami Congratulates Newly Elected SUG President


Former President of the National Association of Students (NASS), Hon. Mustapha Mohammed Malami, has extended warm Eid greetings and an invitation to the newly elected Students' Union Government (SUG) President of the University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID), Comrade Hafiz Mohammed Bello.

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The invitation is for a celebratory meeting scheduled for June 16, 2024, coinciding with Eid el Kabir. Hon. Malami, now serving as a counselor in his ward, expressed his delight at Comrade Bello's election and his eagerness to foster a positive relationship with the new SUG leadership.

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The meeting aims to provide an opportunity for Hon. Malami to offer his support and guidance to the newly elected president, congratulating him on his success.


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