AAUA Student Allegedly Commits Suicide After Church Vigil

Ayandare Modupe, a 500-level student and President of the Department of Agronomy at Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, Ondo State, tragically took her own life.

AAUA Student Allegedly Commits Suicide After Church Vigil

A tragic incident has occurred at Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, Ondo State, as a 500-level student identified as Ayandare Modupe reportedly took her own life. Ayandare, who served as the President of the Department of Agronomy, was found deceased around 4am near a church after attending a vigil.

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According to reports, the discovery of Ayandare's body near Sportless villa has sent shockwaves across the university community. The circumstances leading to her decision to end her life remain unclear, but sources indicate she had attended a church vigil before the unfortunate incident occurred.

In response to the incident, the Spokesman of the Students Union Government, Comr. Olaogbebikan Noble, expressed deep sorrow over Ayandare's death. He assured the community that law enforcement agencies have been notified and are actively investigating the matter to uncover the truth behind her untimely death.

This tragic event has cast a pall over the university, with students and faculty mourning the loss of a promising student leader. The university management is expected to issue a statement addressing the incident and providing support to the affected students and staff.

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The incident comes amid concerns about the mental health and well-being of students, prompting calls for increased support services and awareness campaigns within the university community.

As investigations continue, the university community and the public at large are urged to await further updates from the authorities regarding the circumstances surrounding Ayandare Modupe's death.

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