ABSU SUG Director of Health Aniogbu Victor Leads Inspection for Expired Products at Upgate

Today, Abia State University Uturu (ABSU) Student Union Government, led by Director of Health Comrade Aniogbu Victor, conducted a pioneering inspection at Upgate shops in the university. This inspection targets consumables and cosmetics to uphold campus health standards and ensure student safety.

ABSU SUG Director of Health Aniogbu Victor Leads Inspection for Expired Products at Upgate
Comr. Aniogbu Victor

Yesterday, being the 19th June 2024, the SUG Director of Health, at Abia State University Uturu (ABSU), Comrade Aniogbu Victor, led a groundbreaking inspection of shops at Upgate, focusing not only on consumable products but also on cosmetics—a first-time endeavor prompted by student concerns. Accompanied by security personnel, the inspection aimed to ensure the safety and quality of all goods sold to students.

During this unprecedented inspection, a significant number of shops were found to be selling expired and substandard products. Consumable items nearing their expiration dates and expired cosmetics were among the discoveries. These items were swiftly confiscated, underscoring the seriousness of the SUG's commitment to maintaining high health standards on campus.

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Comr. Aniogbu highlighted the importance of this thorough inspection:

"Inspection of consumable products and cosmetics sold at Upgate is something that has never been done before. We are discovering a lot. Discovered items are being confiscated to protect student health and safety."

He further emphasized the Student Union Government's dedication to safeguarding student welfare and announced that regular inspections will continue to prevent the sale of harmful products. Students are encouraged to promptly report any concerns to the SUG office for immediate action.

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This proactive approach demonstrates the Okezie Almond Kezirim-led Student Union Government's commitment to promoting a safe and ethical marketplace environment at Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU).

"Ensuring safety when buying and selling goods hinges crucially on vigilance towards expiration dates. The integrity of products directly impacts consumer health and trust. By meticulously verifying expiration dates, we safeguard against potential risks of expired goods entering circulation. This conscientious practice not only upholds ethical standards but also promotes a responsible marketplace environment, fostering trust and reliability among buyers and sellers alike. Let's prioritize safety and integrity in every transaction."

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For more information, contact:

Comrade Ohanusi Victor  

SUG Public Relations Officer