AE-FUNAI Wins 16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition

AE-FUNAI wins the 16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition, outshining over 20 Nigerian universities and approximately 200 global participants.

AE-FUNAI Wins 16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition

Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike (AEFUNAI), Ebonyi State, has achieved a significant milestone by securing the top position among Nigerian universities at the prestigious 16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition. The competition, held virtually from 14th to 21st May, 2024, saw AEFUNAI emerge victorious over more than 20 other Nigerian universities and advance to represent Nigeria at the upcoming grand finale in Geneva, Switzerland.

The university's success was spearheaded by Okechukwu Amarachi Sharon and Okeosisi Amarachi Miracle, both distinguished 500 level students of the Faculty of Law. Their exceptional performance showcased a deep understanding of human rights issues and a high level of legal acumen, distinguishing them on a global stage amidst participation from over 200 universities worldwide.

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The competition, renowned for fostering international collaboration and legal excellence, adopted a hybrid format this year, culminating in an in-person final scheduled at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. This venue holds special significance as the students prepare to compete from 15th to 19th July, 2024, aiming to clinch the world championship title.

Barr. Paschal Olebara, the Students’ Staff Adviser and Coach, attributed the victory to the university's commitment to academic excellence and the transformative power of education. He highlighted the role of the faculty in nurturing future leaders in human rights advocacy and expressed confidence in the students' ability to inspire global change.

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Dr. Eseni Azu Udu, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law, praised the students for their dedication and perseverance, emphasizing that their achievement not only brings pride to the university but also reaffirms its commitment to producing outstanding legal professionals. He acknowledged Barr. Olebara's pivotal role in mentoring the students and navigating the complexities of human rights law.

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Under the visionary leadership of Vice-Chancellor Prof. Sunday Elom, AEFUNAI has established itself as a hub of academic excellence and innovation. Prof. Elom lauded the students for their remarkable feat, emphasizing that their success has elevated the university's profile on the global stage. He pledged continued support for their academic pursuits and overall development, underscoring AEFUNAI's dedication to shaping leaders who will drive societal and global progress.

As the university prepares for the final showdown in Geneva, expectations are high for AEFUNAI to further distinguish itself and uphold Nigeria's reputation at the forefront of international human rights advocacy. With unwavering support from faculty, administration, and the broader community, AEFUNAI’s journey promises to inspire future generations and contribute meaningfully to global human rights discourse.

Stay tuned for more updates as AEFUNAI embarks on its quest for global recognition at the 16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition in Geneva, Switzerland.