Australia Updates Student Visa Process with New Requirements and Opportunities

Additionally, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-Based Test (iBT) has been reinstated as a valid assessment for student visa applications, offering applicants more flexibility in demonstrating English proficiency.

Australia Updates Student Visa Process with New Requirements and Opportunities

Australia, renowned for its top-tier education system, multicultural environment, and vibrant lifestyle, continues to attract international students. In line with evolving needs and global trends, the Australian government has introduced significant changes to its migration and education policies.

Starting May 10, 2024, international students applying for Student and Student Guardian visas must meet updated financial requirements, demonstrating access to at least AUD 29,710 for expenses during their stay.

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Additionally, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-Based Test (iBT) has been reinstated as a valid assessment for student visa applications, offering applicants more flexibility in demonstrating English proficiency.

Furthermore, a new Genuine Student (GS) requirement, replacing the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement, aims to provide clearer insights into students' intentions and motivations for studying in Australia.

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Effective March 23, 2024, updated English language requirements will apply to all Student Visa and Temporary Graduate Visa applications, ensuring that students possess the necessary language skills for academic and professional success.

Moreover, changes to the Temporary Graduate Visa, effective July 1, 2024, include modifications to the duration of post-study work visas and a reduction in the maximum eligible age for applicants to 35 years, aligning with Australia's demographic and labour market needs.