Dr. Nonye Soludo Launches Pad Banks to Promote Menstrual Hygiene in Anambra

Dr. Nonye Soludo initiates pad banks in Anambra schools to address menstrual poverty and ensure girls' access to sanitary products.

Dr. Nonye Soludo Launches Pad Banks to Promote Menstrual Hygiene in Anambra
Dr. Nonye Soludo of Anambra

In a bid to address the pressing issue of menstrual hygiene among schoolgirls, Dr. Nonye Soludo, the wife of the Governor of Anambra State, has initiated a groundbreaking project by establishing pad banks in schools across the state. This significant move aims to tackle the challenges faced by many young girls who lack access to sanitary products, often leading to unhygienic practices and school absenteeism during menstruation.

The unveiling of this initiative took place at the Anambra State College of Health Technology, Obosi, located in the Idemili North Local Government Area, coinciding with the annual observance of Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28. Dr. Soludo, who is also the founder of the Healthy Living initiative, emphasized the importance of menstrual hygiene and the detrimental effects of menstrual poverty on women and girls across Nigeria.

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During her address at the event, Dr. Soludo highlighted the rising costs of sanitary pads, which have become prohibitively expensive for many families. She expressed concern over the consequences of this economic barrier, as it forces women and girls to resort to unhygienic alternatives, increasing the risk of reproductive and urinary tract infections.

The establishment of pad banks in schools is envisioned as a practical solution to this pressing issue. These facilities will provide girls with access to sanitary pads free of charge, ensuring that they can manage their menstrual cycles with dignity and without interruption to their education. Dr. Soludo reaffirmed her commitment to ensuring that no girl in Anambra State is deprived of education due to menstruation.

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Addressing the gathering, Dr. Daniel Ezeobi, the Provost of the College, commended the Governor's Wife for her visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to improving the lives of women and girls in the state. He acknowledged the urgent need for such initiatives, particularly in light of the recent surge in the prices of sanitary pads, which have doubled in the past year.

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The initiative spearheaded by Dr. Nonye Soludo underscores the importance of collective action in addressing societal challenges and promoting gender equality. By providing essential support to schoolgirls, this initiative not only enhances their health and well-being but also empowers them to pursue their education without fear or stigma.

As the Anambra First Lady continues to champion initiatives aimed at improving menstrual hygiene and empowering women and girls, her efforts serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for communities across Nigeria. With sustained commitment and collaboration, tangible progress can be made towards achieving menstrual equity and ensuring that every girl can reach her full potential, regardless of her circumstances.

Stay tuned to Myschoolnews.ng for more updates from Anambra.