Emevor Community Celebrates 10 Years of Impact Inauguration of NOUN Study Centre

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) witnessed a momentous occasion as the Emevor Community in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State inaugurated and handed over their Community Study Centre to NOUN’s management.

Emevor Community Celebrates 10 Years of Impact Inauguration of NOUN Study Centre

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) witnessed a momentous occasion as the Emevor Community in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State inaugurated and handed over their Community Study Centre to NOUN’s management.

Professor Olufemi Peters, the Vice-Chancellor of NOUN, expressed his admiration for the community’s vision during the ceremony. He emphasized that the newly completed study center would have a lasting impact on Emevor and its surroundings. The Vice-Chancellor praised the community’s commitment, noting that the center exceeded their expectations—a magnificent edifice that stood as a testament to their dedication.

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“We are overwhelmed by the hospitality of the Emevor people,” Professor Peters stated. “By our mandate, we ought to be everywhere, but not everywhere has built a structure as impressive as this.”

He further highlighted that neighboring communities would also benefit from this educational initiative. As a symbol of their wholehearted donation, Professor Peters urged the community leaders to hand over not only the keys but also the property titles to NOUN.

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In response, Professor Chris Akpotu, President-General of the Isoko Development Union (IPU) Worldwide, pledged to protect the study center and mobilize both illiterate and semi-illiterate individuals in the Isoko nation to utilize the facility for academic advancement. Comrade Teddy Jon Edoso, President-General of the Emevor Progressive Union (EPU), echoed the sentiment, emphasizing education as a cherished value for the people of Emevor Kingdom.

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The NOUN Emevor Community Study Centre marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 10th anniversary. Emeritus Professor Godwin Sogolo, a former governing council member, chronicled the center’s history during the occasion.

Professor Sogolo expressed his delight at the center’s phenomenal impact. Not only has it expanded the frontiers of knowledge in and around Emevor Community, but it has also increased access to quality tertiary education through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode.

The formal inauguration of the newly completed single-story multifunctional edifice and the handover to NOUN took place during the event. Principal officers of the university attended, with the exception of the University Librarian, who was unavoidably absent.

The ceremony also welcomed distinguished guests from the Isoko nation of Delta State, emphasizing the center’s importance in fostering education and community development.