FUDutse 2nd Semester GST examination Timetable is out

This is to inform students and the general public that Federal University Dutse 2nd Semester GST examination Timetable 2020/2021 Session is out monitoredbymyschoolnews.ng

FUDutse 2nd Semester GST examination Timetable is out
FUDutse 2nd Semester GST examination Timetable is out

This is to inform students and the general public that Federal University Dutse  2nd Semester GST examination Timetable 2020/2021 Session is out monitoredbymyschoolnews.ng 

The division of General Studies (GST) Federal University Dutse has released a GST courses e - examination time table for second semester 2020/2021 session. 

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According to the draft time table released, examination starts Monday 5/12/2022 by 7:00am.

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FUDutse 2nd Semester GST examination Timetable 2020/2021 Session

Students are to check their various departments for the time table