Kaduna Polytechnic SUG President Highlights First Semester Achievements

In a report, the president outlined several major accomplishments aimed at improving student welfare and addressing longstanding issues.

Kaduna Polytechnic SUG President Highlights First Semester Achievements

The Student Union Government (SUG) of Kaduna Polytechnic, led by President Comr. Usman Ashir (Shadow), has unveiled its key achievements for the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. In a report, the president outlined several major accomplishments aimed at improving student welfare and addressing longstanding issues.

One of the notable achievements was resolving the electricity problem in the boys' hostel, which had been without power for over four months. The SUG intervened by engaging the school management, resulting in the provision of a new transformer to restore power.

The SUG also played a critical role in advocating for ND2 students who had missed their exams due to problems with their examination cards. The union ensured that these students were allowed to sit for their exams and facilitated a smoother process for exam card production for NDI, HND1, and HND2 students.

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Additionally, the union prioritized student welfare by renovating the SUG Street Light in the Girl's Hostel and organizing fumigation exercises in both the girls' and boys' hostels, creating a healthier environment for residents.

A significant milestone was the introduction of the "Fresher's Fiesta Party and Funfair," a social event promoting unity and entertainment for students, marking a first in the history of Kaduna Polytechnic.

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Furthermore, the SUG paid school fees for more than 50 students and used personal funds to provide petrol for electricity in the girls' hostel during critical periods. The union also implemented price control measures to ensure the affordability of goods and services, while maintaining the hygienic quality of food sold on campus.

These initiatives highlight the union's commitment to enhancing the student experience and fostering a conducive learning environment.