Maduka University Introduces 30 Novel Courses to the University’s Curriculum

30 new courses have been added to the curriculum of Maduka University with the aim of raising well-informed and educated citizens.

Maduka University Introduces 30 Novel Courses to the University’s Curriculum

As part of the special offers of the institution, Maduka University has revealed that they have introduced Thirty additional courses to their educational curiculum called, "Custom-built courses".

This was made known by the Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof Charles Ogbulogo on an interview with MySchoolNews TV.

WATCH: An exclusive interview with Prof. Charles Ogbulogo, the Vice Chancellor of Maduka University

"In our university, we have developed some 30 different courses.  We call them custom-built courses that nobody can get anywhere for now. For example, we teach courses like rapid reading and Biography so that people can actually understand that life begins from a point of reading. We teach courses like Life skills and Healthy living, courses like Critical Thinking, leadership dynamics, Fun practice, and quite a number of them. We are very intentional in our offerings. That is why I say it's a brand new thing",  Ogbulogo said.

WATCH: An exclusive interview with Prof. Charles Ogbulogo, the Vice Chancellor of Maduka University

In addition to this, Ogbulogo stated that the university is in no competition with other universities as he claimed that people will go where their expectations are being met.

"We are not in a competition, so we are not going to be saying leave where you are. Every university has its unique selling point; the market share is for those who are discerning.  Some people might desire a university where not much is happening but those who really want to do things for the future this is the place to be", he affirmed.

Read also:I Am Not Interested in Your First-Class - VC, Maduka University

Maduka University as at the time of this report had commenced her academic activities.