Paul Lamar Hunter Overcomes Poverty to Become First University Graduate in Family and Published Author

Growing up amidst financial struggles, Hunter's family faced hardships that included reliance on food stamps, secondhand clothes, and a constant battle for basic necessities. The difficulties intensified when tragedy struck, with his brother's death in a house fire and his father's fatal car accident a year later.

Paul Lamar Hunter Overcomes Poverty to Become First University Graduate in Family and Published Author

In an inspiring tale of triumph over adversity, Paul Lamar Hunter has defied the challenges of poverty to become the first person to graduate from university in his family. Hunter, now an accomplished author, shares his remarkable journey in his book titled *No Love, No Charity: The Success of the 19th Child.*

Growing up amidst financial struggles, Hunter's family faced hardships that included reliance on food stamps, secondhand clothes, and a constant battle for basic necessities. The difficulties intensified when tragedy struck, with his brother's death in a house fire and his father's fatal car accident a year later.

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Hunter's mother, operating a homeless shelter, fought to provide for the family, leaving the older children to take on responsibilities like preparing meals, caring for the home, and assisting with homework. Despite the challenges, they persevered, and Hunter found his first success at the age of sixteen when he obtained his driver's license.

After graduating from Washington Park High School, Hunter entered the workforce but yearned for more education. He attended Gateway Technical College, earning an Associate of Applied Science degree in Supervisory Management. Undeterred, he continued his educational journey, enrolling at Upper Iowa University and becoming the first of 21 siblings to graduate from college with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration.

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Hunter's determination doesn't end with his academic achievements. He is now the first author in the Hunter family, sharing his story of resilience and success in *No Love, No Charity.* In addition to his writing, Hunter engages in motivational speaking, inspiring others with his message that everyone is capable of achieving greatness and should never give up, regardless of the challenges they face.