Sa'adu Zungur University Bans Sale of Handouts to Students

Sa'adu Zungur University Bans Sale of Handouts to Students

Sa'adu Zungur University Bans Sale of Handouts to Students

The Management of Sa'adu Zungur  University has issued a directive prohibiting the sale of handouts to students by staff members.

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According to a memo from the Office of the Registrar, the practice of selling handouts contravenes university regulations. The memo, signed by Assistant Registrar (Establishments) Sani Mato, warns that any staff member found to be selling handouts will face sanctions in accordance with the university's rules and regulations.

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The university's decision aims to ensure a fair and equitable learning environment for all students. The ban on selling handouts is effective immediately, and staff are expected to comply with the directive.