Student Overcomes Academic Hardships Without Smartphone, Now Empowers Others with Technology

Despite the hardships faced, the student remains resilient and determined to use his experience to uplift others facing similar challenges.

Student Overcomes Academic Hardships Without Smartphone, Now Empowers Others with Technology

Students have shared how they overcame academic hardship without a smartphone. For many, having a smartphone is a basic necessity in today's digital age. However, for some of them, a journey through university without this essential tool proved to be a daunting challenge that tested resilience and faith.

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Reflecting on their experience, one recalled, "I could properly relate because I went through my whole 300 level without a smartphone. It was indeed hell and not even slightly funny." During this period, he relied solely on a basic button phone to stay connected with family, a stark contrast to the multifunctional devices commonly used by peers for academic and social purposes.

"I don't know how I coped but God did," he added, acknowledging the support that helped him in his studies despite the technological setback.

"Now I have 4 phones and those days are just stories," he shared with a smile, highlighting the contrast between his previous and current circumstances. This transformation has inspired him to reach out to others facing similar challenges, offering support and assistance based on firsthand experience.

Another student empathizes deeply with others going through phoneless struggles, having witnessed firsthand the impact of technological limitations on academic performance. "Since last year October, a day before my matriculation, my phone got spoilt totally, and I remained phoneless," he recounted. The absence of essential tools, especially for accessing academic materials in PDF format, posed significant hurdles that affected his academic progress.

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"It made me perform low even in 3-unit load courses," the student admitted, revealing the academic setbacks resulting from inadequate technological resources.

Despite the hardships faced, the student remains resilient and determined to use his experience to uplift others facing similar challenges.