ABSU Student Union Government Addresses 2022/2023 Course Registration Portal Closure

The Student Union Government at Abia State University, has addressed the closure of the course registration portal for the 2022/2023 academic session, urging students to remain calm as they work with school authorities to resolve the issue.

ABSU Student Union Government Addresses 2022/2023 Course Registration Portal Closure

The Student Union Government (SUG), at Abia State University (ABSU), through the office of the President, Comr. Okezie Almond Kezirim, has released a memo addressing the closure of the course registration portal for the 2022/2023 academic session. The closure has caused significant concern among students, prompting the SUG to take action on behalf of the student body.

Comr. Okezie Almond Kezirim urged students to remain calm and law-abiding during this period of uncertainty. He assured them that he and his administration are actively engaging with the school authorities to resolve the issue swiftly. A formal written appeal has already been submitted to the university authorities, outlining the grievances and concerns of the students.

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"We understand the frustration and inconvenience caused by the sudden closure of the registration portal," stated Comr. Okezie Almond Kezirim. "Rest assured, we are working tirelessly to ensure that this matter is resolved in the best interest of all students."

The SUG President emphasized the importance of dialogue and collaboration in addressing student concerns. He reassured the student body that every effort is being made to reopen the portal and facilitate smooth course registration for all eligible students.

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"We are in constant communication with the university management to find a solution that will allow students to complete their registrations without further delay," added Comr. Okezie Almond Kezirim.

In conclusion, the ABSU SUG remains committed to advocating for the rights and welfare of students. They continue to urge students to stay informed through official channels and to await further updates regarding the resolution of the portal closure issue.

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For further information or inquiries, please contact:

Comr. Okezie Almond Kezirim

President, ABSU Student Union Government

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