ABSU to Hold Stakeholders Meeting for Media Engagement and Collaboration

Abia State University (ABSU) announces proactive measures to strengthen PR efforts through collaboration with departmental PROs, media personalities, bloggers, and press representatives.

ABSU to Hold Stakeholders Meeting for Media Engagement and Collaboration
ABSU logo

For all Departmental and Faculty Public Relations Officers (PROs), Media Personalities, Bloggers, Press Representatives, and PROs-Elect, at Abia State University (ABSU), a crucial meeting has been scheduled to discuss vital updates and strategies concerning public relations within the university community. This gathering aims to enhance communication channels and bolster engagement across various media platforms.

Key Details:

- Date: Saturday, 22nd June 2024

- Time: 4 PM

- Venue: Student Union Seccretariat Complex 


FOLLOW: Essential Steps for ABSU Graduate Clearance

1. Review of recent PR initiatives and their impact.

2. Introduction of new communication strategies.

READ: Nasboi Set to Ignite Change at ABSU with Celebrity Art Storming Event

3. Collaboration opportunities with media personalities and bloggers.

4. Feedback and suggestions from departmental PROs and media representatives.

5. Any other business.

SEE: ABSU Suspends Security Staff After Assault on Female Student, Prompting Swift Action

Signed By:

Comr. Ohanusi Victor  

SUG Public Relations Officer  

Contact: 09081490958

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