Anglican Primate Visits Ajayi Crowther University, Promises Enhanced Safety Measures

The visit comes amidst ongoing efforts by ACU's management to enhance security measures and restore confidence among students and the wider community.

Anglican Primate Visits Ajayi Crowther University, Promises Enhanced Safety Measures

The Primate of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba, visited Ajayi Crowther University (ACU), Oyo, to address recent security concerns following the tragic death of a 200-level engineering student, Alex Timileyi. Timileyi was reportedly beaten to death by fellow students over allegations of theft.

Accompanied by the Visitor to the university, Most Rev. Joseph Akinfenwa, and other church officials, Ndukuba reassured students, parents, and staff of the institution's resilience in the face of adversity. He attributed the recent incidents to malevolent forces but expressed confidence in ACU's ability to overcome these challenges.

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During his visit, Ndukuba emphasized the importance of vigilance among students and urged them to report any suspicious activities directly to the university management instead of resorting to social media. He commended ACU's management for their handling of the situation, acknowledging the shock and disappointment among stakeholders over the incidents in an academic environment.

Earlier discussions with the university's Pro-Chancellor and other officials highlighted additional concerns, including cases of rape and ongoing police investigations related to Timileyi's death. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Timothy Adebayo, was represented by his deputy and key management team members during the visit.

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Ndukuba concluded by affirming the Church of Nigeria's commitment to supporting ACU and ensuring its continued success. He emphasized the university's significance as an educational institution known for its quality education and moral standards, urging all stakeholders to unite in safeguarding its reputation and welfare.

The visit comes amidst ongoing efforts by ACU's management to enhance security measures and restore confidence among students and the wider community.