Be Humble, Develop Skills: Prof. Abdul Rahman Advises Lecturers at FULAFIA Workshop

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Abdul Rahman emphasized the importance of humility and continuous skill development for young academics during a university teaching effectiveness workshop.

Be Humble, Develop Skills: Prof. Abdul Rahman Advises Lecturers at FULAFIA Workshop

In a one-day training program titled "How to Teach Effectively in the University," held at the Mallam Adamu Adamu Lecture Complex, Permanent Site Campus of the University, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Shehu Abdul Rahman emphasized the importance of skill acquisition and humility for young academics. The event focused on enhancing teaching effectiveness and engaging students more actively in the learning process.

During the opening remarks, Prof. Abdul Rahman advised participants to leverage the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and improve their teaching methods. He highlighted that success in academia requires not only the acquisition of skills but also the cultivation of character. He encouraged the attendees to seek mentorship, teach by example, develop social skills, and embrace humility, reminding them that learning is an ongoing journey.

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The training featured presentations by renowned resource persons, including Prof. Aleruchi Chuku, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Prof. Ali Ishaq Shuga, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Administration, Prof. Ilemona Adofu, Director of Academic Planning, and Prof. Ibrahim Awal from the Department of English and Literary Studies. 

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These experts delivered sessions on various critical topics such as course design and planning, active learning strategies, lecture delivery skills, assessment and feedback, inclusive teaching practices, technology-enhanced learning, setting examination questions, preparing marking schemes, classroom management, research-informed teaching practices, and evaluating teaching effectiveness.

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The training was a significant step towards equipping young academics with the necessary skills to excel in their teaching careers, aligning with the university's commitment to continuous improvement in educational quality.