DELSU Announces 6th Valedictory Lecture

The Management of the Delta State University (DELSU) has announced her 6th Valedictory Lecture.

DELSU Announces 6th Valedictory Lecture

The Management of the Delta State University (DELSU) has announced her 6th Valedictory Lecture.

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The Valedictory Lecture will have Professor Patrick Sunday Igbigbi as the speaker.

The theme for the lecture is entitled RELUCTANT ACADEMIC: I CAME AND I SAW, DID I CONQUER?

Other details of the lecture are as follows:

Date: Thursday, 20th June, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM

Read also: DELSU Calls for Application for the Position of Vice Chancellor (VC)

Venue: 750 lecture theatre A, site III Delta State University, Abraka.

NOTE: Guests should be seated by 10:30 AM