Federal Polytechnic Ugep Academic Calendar for 2023/2024 Session

This is to inform all students of the Federal Polytechnic, Ugep, Cross River State that the academic calendar for the 2023/2024 academic calendar has been released.

Federal Polytechnic Ugep Academic Calendar for 2023/2024 Session

This is to inform all students of the Federal Polytechnic, Ugep, Cross River State that the academic calendar for the 2023/2024 academic calendar has been released, Myschoolnews report.

The schedule of some important events for the session are as follows;

1st Semester
December, 5th 2023: Commencement of 1st Semester, 2023/2024 academic session

December, 18th 2023 - January, 9th 2024: Christmas Break

January, 10th 2024: Commencement of academic activities

January, 11th - 12th 2024: Registration

January, 15th - 17th 2024: Orientation for fresh students

January, 18th 2024: Commencement of Lectures

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February, 15th 2024: Matriculation

April, 1st -12th 2024: Examination

April 26th 2024: End of 1st Semester and commencement of Semester break.

2nd Semester

May, 6th 2024: Return of students for 2nd Semester

May, 9th 2024: Resumption of Lecturers

May, 7th - 8th 2024: Registration

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June, 24th - 28th 2024: Students' Week

July, 1st 2024: Lectures Continues

July, 15th - 17th 2024: Revision

July, 18th - 26th 2024: Examination

August, 8th 2024: End of 2nd Semester, 2023/2024 academic session.