From FUTA to USA: Mayowa Samuel Aderoju, FUTA Alumnus, Secures $63,000+ in Scholarships

Mayowa Samuel Aderoju, an alumnus of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), shared his inspiring journey from Nigeria to the United States, securing over $63,000 in scholarships along the way.

From FUTA to USA: Mayowa Samuel Aderoju, FUTA Alumnus, Secures $63,000+ in Scholarships

In an exclusive interview, Mayowa Samuel Aderoju, a distinguished alumnus of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), shared his remarkable journey from Nigeria to the United States, securing over $63,000 in scholarships along the way.

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Aderoju, a graduate of the Department of Crop, Soil, and Pest Management, Class of 2020, reflected on his undergraduate experience at FUTA, highlighting the challenges and opportunities he encountered. Despite initial reservations about his department's demanding farm work, Aderoju embraced the experience and excelled academically.

His interest in plant pathology was sparked by a captivating lecture by Dr. Ajayi, which inspired him to pursue a career as a "plant doctor." Aderoju's entrepreneurial spirit also flourished during his undergraduate years, as he successfully ventured into shoe making, generating revenue while maintaining a strong focus on academics.

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A turning point came when Aderoju set his sights on pursuing a master's degree abroad without financial support from his family. Despite initial setbacks in his graduate school application process, he persevered, sending over 300 emails to prospective professors and eventually securing a scholarship that covered his tuition and expenses.

Reflecting on his journey, Aderoju emphasized the importance of resilience, passion, and mentorship. He credited mentors like Dr. Ajayi and Dr. Macaulay Babajide Milton for their guidance and support throughout his academic and professional endeavors.

In conclusion, Aderoju shared advice for aspiring scholars, urging them to pursue their passions, stay focused, and never give up on their dreams. He expressed gratitude for his alma mater, FUTA, emphasizing its role in shaping his success and instilling valuable virtues.

Aderoju's story serves as a testament to the power of education, determination, and resilience in overcoming challenges and achieving academic excellence.

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