List of Courses Offered At Kano State College of Education
Below is the up-to-date list of Courses Offered at Kano state College of Education as released on the official website and confirmed by Myschoolnews.

A. School of Business and Management Science:
1. Department of Accountancy
National Diploma in Accountancy (ND ACC)
2. Department of Business Administration
National Diploma in Business Administration (ND BAM)
3. Department of Microfinance and Enterprise Development
National Diploma in Microfinance and Enterprise Development (ND MED)
4. Department of Office Technology and Management
National Diploma in Office Technology and Management (ND OTM)
B. School of Engineering, Science and Technology (SEST):
1. Department of Agricultural Technology
National Diploma in Agricultural Technology (ND AGT)
2. Department of Computer Science
National Diploma in Computer Science (ND COM)
3. Department of Computer Engineering Technology
National Diploma in Computer Engineering Technology (ND CTE)
4. Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering
National Diploma in Electrical/Electronic Engineering (ND EET)
5. Department of Health Information Management
National Diploma in Health Information Management (ND HIM)
6. Department of Science Laboratory Technology
National Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology (ND SLT)
7. Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics
National Diploma in Surveying and Geoinformatics (ND SUG)
C. School of Vocational Education, Skills and Professional Development (SVESPD):
Remedial Studies
Entrepreneurship Training
Professional Development courses
Vocational Education and Skills Development