NANS Urges FG to Maintain Ban on Togo, Benin Republic Certificates

NANS criticized calls for lifting the suspension, arguing that accepting certificates from substandard institutions in these countries would be detrimental to Nigeria’s educational standards

NANS Urges FG to Maintain Ban on Togo, Benin Republic Certificates

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has called on the Federal Government to uphold its ban on certificates obtained from universities in Togo and the Republic of Benin. In a statement signed on Saturday by NANS National Senate Clerk Abdul-Yekinn Odunayo in Abeokuta, Ogun State, the student body warned against reversing the ban, stating that such a move would undermine the nation's commitment to quality education.

Odunayo criticized calls for lifting the suspension, arguing that accepting certificates from substandard institutions in these countries would be detrimental to Nigeria’s educational standards. He emphasized that Nigeria, as a leader in African education, should not validate inferior academic qualifications.

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NANS reiterated its support for the Federal Government’s efforts to sanitize the education sector and urged President Bola Tinubu's administration to invest adequately in the country's tertiary institutions to ensure the production of competent graduates.