Taraba State University notice to all hostel applicants on submission of application forms

Taraba State University notice to all hostel applicants on submission of application forms

Taraba State University notice to all hostel applicants on submission of application forms

This is to notify all students that obtained the hostel application forms (Males and Females), and are yet to submit, to do so on or before 7th June, 2024.

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Failure to submit your hostel application form on 7 June, 2024, makes the farm invalid.

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Recall that the process of hostel application commenced since on 13th May, 2024 (for new students) and 20th May, 2024 (for returning students).

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Furthermore, many reservations have been approved, payments made and allocations dane. Therefore, it is important to notify students still holding their hastel application forms about the deadline for submission.

TSU notice to all hostel applicants on submission of application forms

You are properly informed and guided.