UNICAL Students Voice Safety Concerns over Crumbling Hostels Amid Heavy Rains
UNICAL students have raised concerns about the deteriorating condition of their hostels, particularly Halls 8 and 9, citing major cracks in the walls that pose a collapse risk, especially during heavy rains.

Students at the University of Calabar (UNICAL) are increasingly alarmed by the deteriorating conditions of their on-campus hostels, warning that structural cracks on the walls have reached a critical state, especially as heavy rains continue in Calabar. Many fear that parts of the buildings could collapse if urgent repairs are not carried out.
During the popular "What I Will Do If I Had Power to Run Unical" phone-in show on Unical International Radio, students residing in the male and female hostels highlighted their frustrations and concerns. Specifically, they pointed to Halls 8 and 9, which they say have been neglected for years, leaving them vulnerable and at risk of collapse.
Jane, a student from the Malabor Republic hostel, shared her perspective, saying, “If I had the power, my first priority would be to renovate these hostels immediately. There are major cracks on the walls of halls 1, 2, 4, 8, and 9. God forbid, but these walls could collapse and harm students. With the daily downpours in Calabar, these hostels are in serious danger. I urge the university authorities to take action without delay.”
Another student from the male hostel expressed concern over the lack of electricity, noting that the dark conditions promote unsafe activities within the hostels. Both students called on the university’s student welfare and the Students' Union Government to advocate for better living conditions.
In response, UNICAL Vice Chancellor Prof. Florence Bankong Obi assured students that the conditions of the hostels are under review and included in the university's action plan for upcoming improvements.