FUTO Prays Event: Christian Fellowships Clash Over Guest Speaker

Tensions rise at FUTO as SUG insists on hosting Evangelist Chidi Ibenado despite JCCF's ban, citing lack of evidence.

FUTO Prays Event: Christian Fellowships Clash Over Guest Speaker
FUTO gate

The Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), is embroiled in controversy following a decision by the Joint Christian Campus Fellowship Executives (JCCF) to prohibit Evangelist Chidi Ibenado from speaking at the upcoming FUTO Prays event. The move, sparked by allegations of false prophecies and financial misconduct against the guest speaker, has divided opinions among the student body.

Christian Community Divided:

Pastor Chizurum Uttah, Assistant Chaplain of All Saints Church in FUTO, weighed in during a Sunday service, urging students to boycott the event. "The man of God is not genuine. Please, we advise you not to go," he cautioned, reflecting concerns over Evangelist Ibenado's credibility.

SUG Defies Opposition: 

In a defiant response, SUG President Comr. Nwosu Stanley challenged the allegations, demanding proof from the JCCF to substantiate their claims. "Despite consultations with various university stakeholders, no evidence has been presented," he stated. Highlighting his personal relationship with Evangelist Ibenado, Comr. Stanley affirmed the event's continuation, asserting the SUG's autonomy in guest speaker invitations.

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JCCF Stands Firm: 

Meanwhile, an anonymous FUTO JCCF executive defended their decision, emphasizing their role in upholding the integrity of Christian activities on campus. "We ensure proper vetting, akin to protocols with Christian bodies like CAN," the executive remarked, noting past speakers had not generated similar controversy.

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Alvan Echoes Concerns:

Similar sentiments resonated at Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, where the Alvan Prays event was canceled due to Evangelist Ibenado's slated participation. This echoed widespread unease surrounding the guest speaker across institutions.

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Event Proceeds Amidst Dispute:

Despite opposition, preparations for FUTO Prays remain undeterred, with Comr. Stanley affirming robust arrangements for the event. "We are focused on delivering a successful gathering with benefits like fee waivers and scholarships," he assured, encouraging student participation.

Continued Monitoring: 

As tensions escalate, MySchoolNews pledges to monitor developments closely, providing updates as the situation unfolds. The clash between the SUG and JCCF underscores broader debates over religious governance within university settings.

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