OSPOLY Announces New Online Payment Procedure for 2023/2024 Academic Session

To access the portal, students should use their matriculation number or application number as their username and input their password.

OSPOLY Announces New Online Payment Procedure for 2023/2024 Academic Session

The Bursary Department of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree (OSPOLY), has introduced a new procedure for online payment for all students for the 2023/2024 academic session. The internal memo, issued by the Bursar, Afolabi Sunday A., FCNA, on August 13, 2024, outlines the detailed steps for the new registration and payment process.

Students are reminded that they have the option to pay their approved fees in full or in two installments. The first step in the process is to ensure that they have been profiled on the new portal. Students must then visit the portal at **ospolyportal.com** and click on "LOGIN."

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To access the portal, students should use their matriculation number or application number as their username and input their password. Once logged in, they can proceed by clicking on "MENU," selecting "PAYMENT," and following the provided instructions. After successful payment, students are advised to return to "MENU," go to payment history, and download and print their receipt.

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For any outstanding payment issues, students are encouraged to visit the Bursary office for clarification. This new memo supersedes any previous communications regarding online school fees payment at OSPOLY.