University of Ilorin SUG Releases Courseware for GST Coursea to Enhance Academic Support

This move is in line with the SUG's commitment to improving academic welfare and supporting students in their academic journey.

University of Ilorin SUG Releases Courseware for GST Coursea to Enhance Academic Support

The Students' Union Government (SUG) of the University of Ilorin (UNIORIN) has announced the release of General Studies (GST) courseware for 100L to 300L students as part of its efforts to enhance academic support.

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The courseware for **GST 111 — Communication in English, GNS 211 — Philosophy Logic and Nigerian Culture, and GNS 311 — History and Philosophy of Science has been made available for students to access. 

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This move is in line with the SUG's commitment to improving academic welfare and supporting students in their academic journey.