Professor Worlu Calls for Action to Combat Vote-Buying in 32nd Inaugural Lecture at Covenant University

Professor Rowland Worlu, in his 32nd Inaugural Lecture at Covenant University, emphasized the urgent need for the Nigerian government to combat vote-buying and other social vices affecting the country's electoral processes.

Professor Worlu Calls for Action to Combat Vote-Buying in 32nd Inaugural Lecture at Covenant University

 Professor Rowland Worlu, the 32nd Inaugural Lecturer of Covenant University, has urged the federal government to intensify advocacy efforts to discourage vote-buying and other social vices undermining Nigeria's electoral processes.

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Speaking on the topic 'In Praise of Customers and the Electorate', Professor Worlu, a distinguished professor of Marketing and Dean of the College of Management and Social Sciences, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and Civil Society organizations (CSOs) to address these issues effectively.

He highlighted the detrimental effects of vote-buying on the democratic system and stressed the necessity for credible leadership to improve citizens' lives. Professor Worlu emphasized the need to curb vote-buying, which he observed was still prevalent in the country.

Professor Worlu underscored the significance of meeting the needs of citizens and customers by both the government and business entities. He emphasized that citizens have expectations from government programs and services, while customers, regardless of their industry or sector, are the pillars of society.

In the political sphere, Professor Worlu emphasized the pivotal role of the electorate in electoral politics, stating that they constitute the engine room of the democratic process.

The lecture also highlighted the essential role of customers in marketing and the electorate in political marketing, portraying them as the foundation of a sane society. Professor Worlu pledged to collaborate with NGOs and CSOs to advocate for quality-of-life marketing.

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In his welcome remarks, the Vice-Chancellor of Covenant University, Professor Abiodun H. Adebayo, emphasized the significance of inaugural lectures in addressing fundamental aspects of national development. He urged the electorate to use their voting power judiciously to remove leaders who do not prioritize the people's needs.

Professor Adebayo emphasized the importance of politicians fulfilling their campaign promises to the people, likening it to marketing promises to customers. He reaffirmed Covenant University's commitment to providing viable solutions toward national and continental aspirations.

The lecture served as a wake-up call, particularly for the academia, emphasizing the importance of engaging students effectively to achieve positive outcomes.

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