YABATECH Warns Against Extortionists Selling Fake Hostel Forms, Urges Vigilance

The management of Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) has issued a warning against individuals selling counterfeit hostel forms to students and parents.

YABATECH Warns Against Extortionists Selling Fake Hostel Forms, Urges Vigilance

The administration of Yaba College of Technology (YABATECH) has sounded the alarm regarding the nefarious activities of extortionists selling counterfeit hostel forms to unsuspecting students and parents.

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Reports have surfaced indicating that certain individuals, yet to be identified, are exploiting students and parents by charging exorbitant fees for fake hostel forms. These unscrupulous individuals are reportedly demanding amounts ranging from ₦1,000 to ₦4,000 under the guise of selling hostel forms for the upcoming academic session.

In response to these alarming reports, the management of YABATECH has issued a stern warning to the college community. They emphasize that the official sale of hostel forms has not commenced and any attempt to purchase forms from these scammers should be immediately disregarded.

The college administration urges students, parents, and staff to exercise vigilance and caution when dealing with individuals claiming to sell hostel forms. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the appropriate authorities without delay.

This cautionary notice serves as a preemptive measure to protect the interests of the YABATECH community and prevent individuals from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. The college administration remains committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its students and upholding the integrity of its admission processes.

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YABATECH encourages students, parents, and staff to remain vigilant and report any instances of fraud or extortion to the college authorities for swift and appropriate action.

By staying vigilant and informed, the YABATECH community can work together to safeguard against fraudulent activities and maintain the integrity of the institution.

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